Diana Toh of the
UAH Structural Biology Lab assists
Lauren Hinrichs heat
seal her payload sample
Kevin Hutto injects
the lysozyme protein solution into his payload sample tube as a UAH lab
and Crystal Iv look
Mr. Arab assits
Nikita Patel inject the protein
solution in to her
payload sample
Ian Lozano observes
Lauren Hinrichs inject lysozyme protein solution in to her payload sample
Crystal Iv injects
solution as Kevin Hutto holds the tube
Nikita Patel and
Mr. Arab continue to work on a sample
Tyler Guthrie is
watching Mr. Smith take the picture
as Alen Islamovic works
with his payload sample
Jennifer Klarfield
watches Caroline Johnston seal her sample
Diana Toh assists
Nikita Patel seal her sample
Diana Toh closely
monitors Lauren Hinrich
sealing her payload
sample in liquid nitrogen
Miranda Byrne of
UAH watches Mrs. Conlon freeze her payload sample with liquid nitrogen
Lauren Youngerman has
a snack and makes a quick call after completing her payload sample! :-)