STS 98 (Atlantis)

Launch Observation
February 7, 2001

Static Road Observation Area

Pictures of our Group Before the Launch
Mr. Bo Smith, Program Manager and Denise Riggins, a teacher from Duval County
The weather was warm and clear at the 'static road' observation site
Dennise Riggins and Jean McMahan talk with Lindsay and Julie from Fletcher HS Mr. Smit (back to camera) talks with Terri Granger, at teacher from Land O' Lakes HS in Pasco County, and Nate Kenny and his father
Florida Times Union reporter, Kevin Clark, talking with grouip of students from Ridgeview HS, Clay County students from Land O' Lakes HS, Pasco County
Kevin Clark talking with teacher, Russ Henderlite and students, Tiffany T., Karen P., and Ronnie S., from Peterson Academy, Duval County Protein Crystals teacher and two students from Michigan joined us at the launch!
Sovannary C. (center) and Kelli F. from Terry Parker HS, Duval County doing homework prior to the launch Katie Cauthen and Scott Ogden with Terry Parker students Kyle, Joseph, and Matt
Felicia Ewing and Denise Riggins getting aquainted prior to the launc Do you have a picture of students or teachers priuor to the launch you would like to add?

Please email  it to Bo Smith

Click HERE for an MPEG movie of our group prior to the launch

Iamges by Robert S. Smith and Jean McMahan
MPEG Movies by Jean McMahan

Page created by Robert S. Smith on February 8th, 2001

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