MOSH (Museum of Science and History) Presentation
Jacksonville, Florida
Space Day
July 24th, 1999

 Ms. Sheree Pendleton, Director of the Challenger Center, Kirby Smith Middle School invited us to give a presentation at The Museum of Science and History in connection with Space Day.  It was our first presentation to the general public.  We gave a 30 minute power point presentation followed by questions and some 'hands on' discussions conducted by our Student Space Station Scientists with the parents and kids present.

Left to right; Mr. Smith, Kim, Ms. Sheree Pendleton, Leticia,and Steven
MOSH Presentation Team

Kim shows protein crystals to a family at MOSH
 Kim shows crystals to family at MOSH

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Page maintained by: Robert S. Smith Terry Parker High School; Jacksonville, Florida
Last updated: October 17th, 2000